由于它们的多功能性,机器学习算法表现出识别许多不同数据集中的模式。然而,随着数据集的大小增加,培训和使用这些统计模型的计算时间很快地增长。Quantum Computing提供了一种新的范例,可以克服这些计算困难的能力。这里,我们将量子类似物提出到K-means聚类,在模拟超导Qubits上实现它,并将其与先前显影的量子支持向量机进行比较。我们发现算法可与群集和分类问题的古典K均值算法相当的算法,发现它具有渐近复杂度$ O(n ^ {3/2} k ^ {1/2} \ log {p})$如果$ n $是数据点数,$ k $是群集的数量,$ p $是数据点的尺寸,在经典模拟中提供了重大的加速。
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Inspired by strategies like Active Learning, it is intuitive that intelligently selecting the training classes from a dataset for Zero-Shot Learning (ZSL) can improve the performance of existing ZSL methods. In this work, we propose a framework called Diverse and Rare Class Identifier (DiRaC-I) which, given an attribute-based dataset, can intelligently yield the most suitable "seen classes" for training ZSL models. DiRaC-I has two main goals - constructing a diversified set of seed classes, followed by a visual-semantic mining algorithm initialized by these seed classes that acquires the classes capturing both diversity and rarity in the object domain adequately. These classes can then be used as "seen classes" to train ZSL models for image classification. We adopt a real-world scenario where novel object classes are available to neither DiRaC-I nor the ZSL models during training and conducted extensive experiments on two benchmark data sets for zero-shot image classification - CUB and SUN. Our results demonstrate DiRaC-I helps ZSL models to achieve significant classification accuracy improvements.
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Zero-shot detection (ZSD) is a challenging task where we aim to recognize and localize objects simultaneously, even when our model has not been trained with visual samples of a few target ("unseen") classes. Recently, methods employing generative models like GANs have shown some of the best results, where unseen-class samples are generated based on their semantics by a GAN trained on seen-class data, enabling vanilla object detectors to recognize unseen objects. However, the problem of semantic confusion still remains, where the model is sometimes unable to distinguish between semantically-similar classes. In this work, we propose to train a generative model incorporating a triplet loss that acknowledges the degree of dissimilarity between classes and reflects them in the generated samples. Moreover, a cyclic-consistency loss is also enforced to ensure that generated visual samples of a class highly correspond to their own semantics. Extensive experiments on two benchmark ZSD datasets - MSCOCO and PASCAL-VOC - demonstrate significant gains over the current ZSD methods, reducing semantic confusion and improving detection for the unseen classes.
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Achieving knowledge sharing within an artificial swarm system could lead to significant development in autonomous multiagent and robotic systems research and realize collective intelligence. However, this is difficult to achieve since there is no generic framework to transfer skills between agents other than a query-response-based approach. Moreover, natural living systems have a "forgetfulness" property for everything they learn. Analyzing such ephemeral nature (temporal memory properties of new knowledge gained) in artificial systems has never been studied in the literature. We propose a behavior tree-based framework to realize a query-response mechanism for transferring skills encoded as the condition-action control sub-flow of that portion of the knowledge between agents to fill this gap. We simulate a multiagent group with different initial knowledge on a foraging mission. While performing basic operations, each robot queries other robots to respond to an unknown condition. The responding robot shares the control actions by sharing a portion of the behavior tree that addresses the queries. Specifically, we investigate the ephemeral nature of the new knowledge gained through such a framework, where the knowledge gained by the agent is either limited due to memory or is forgotten over time. Our investigations show that knowledge grows proportionally with the duration of remembrance, which is trivial. However, we found minimal impact on knowledge growth due to memory. We compare these cases against a baseline that involved full knowledge pre-coded on all agents. We found that knowledge-sharing strived to match the baseline condition by sharing and achieving knowledge growth as a collective system.
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Experiments using large numbers of miniature swarm robots are desirable to teach, study, and test multi-robot and swarm intelligence algorithms and their applications. To realize the full potential of a swarm robot, it should be capable of not only motion but also sensing, computing, communication, and power management modules with multiple options. Current swarm robot platforms developed for commercial and academic research purposes lack several of these critical attributes by focusing only on a few of these aspects. Therefore, in this paper, we propose the HeRoSwarm, a fully-capable swarm robot platform with open-source hardware and software support. The proposed robot hardware is a low-cost design with commercial off-the-shelf components that uniquely integrates multiple sensing, communication, and computing modalities with various power management capabilities into a tiny footprint. Moreover, our swarm robot with odometry capability with Robot Operating Systems (ROS) support is unique in its kind. This simple yet powerful swarm robot design has been extensively verified with different prototyping variants and multi-robot experimental demonstrations.
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多机器人和多代理系统通过系统的局部行为集成在组中表现出集体(Swarm)智能。分享有关任务和环境知识的代理商可以提高个人和任务水平的绩效。但是,这很难实现,部分原因是缺乏用于在代理之间转移一部分知识(行为)的通用框架。本文提出了一个新的知识表示框架和一种称为KT-BT:通过行为树的知识转移的转移策略。 KT-BT框架遵循通过在线行为树框架进行查询反应加速机制,在该框架中,代理对未知条件进行广播查询,并使用条件性能控制子流量以适当的知识做出响应。我们嵌入了一种称为StringBT的新型语法结构,该结构编码知识,从而实现行为共享。从理论上讲,我们研究了KT-BT框架的特性,与异质系统相比,整个小组的高知识同质性具有高度知识的性质,而没有能力共享知识。我们在模拟的多机器人搜索和救援问题中广泛验证了我们的框架。结果表明,在各种情况下,成功传递知识转移并提高了群体绩效。我们进一步研究了机会和沟通范围对一组代理商中群体绩效,知识传播和功能异质性的影响,并提供有趣的见解。
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通过使用低成本,远程,无维护的无线传感器进行增强,数十亿个日常对象可能会成为物联网(IoT)的一部分。射频识别(RFID)是一种低成本的无线技术,可以实现这一愿景,但是它受到短暂的通信范围和缺乏足够的能量来限制辅助电子和传感器。在这里,我们探讨了柔性钙钛矿光伏电池的使用,以提供半邮用RFID标签的外部功率,以增加外部电子设备(例如微控制器和数字传感器)的范围和能量可用性。钙钛矿是有趣的材料,具有开发高性能,低成本,可调节性(吸收不同的光谱)和柔性轻能量收割机的可能性。在标准测试条件下,我们的塑料底物上的原型钙钛矿光伏细胞的效率为13%,电压为0.88 V。我们构建了由这些柔性光伏电池供电的RFID传感器的原型原型,以展示现实世界的应用。我们对原型的评估表明:i)柔性PV细胞耐用至5 mm的弯曲半径,相对效率仅下降20%; ii)RFID通信范围增加了5倍,并满足能源需求(10-350 microwatt)以实现自动无线传感器; iii)钙钛矿动力无线传感器启用许多无电池传感应用程序(例如,易腐烂的良好监控,仓库自动化)
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由于在道路驾驶实验的安全性,成本和实验控制问题,模拟器是驾驶的行为和交互研究的重要工具。最先进的模拟器使用昂贵的360度投影系统,以确保视觉保真度,完整的视野和浸入。然而,可以使用基于虚拟现实(VR)的可视界面可高效地实现类似的视觉保真度。我们展示了Dreyevr,这是一个基于开源VR的驾驶模拟器平台,设计了具有行为和互动研究优先事项的驾驶模拟器平台。 Dreyevr(读取“驱动程序”)是基于虚幻发动机和Carla自主车辆模拟器,并且具有眼睛跟踪等功能,功能驾驶头部显示器(HUD)和车辆音频,定制可定义路由和流量方案,实验测井,重播功能,以及与ROS的兼容性。我们描述了部署此模拟器的硬件低于$ 5000 $ USD,比市售的模拟器更便宜。最后,我们描述了如何利用Dreyevr在示例场景中回答交互研究问题。
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频谱感测允许认知无线电系统尽管存在严重干扰,但是尽管存在严重干扰,但是在存在相关信号。大多数现有的频谱传感技术使用具有某些假设的特定信号噪声模型并导出某些检测性能。为了处理这种不确定性,正在采用基于学习的方法,最近基于深度学习的工具已经变得流行。这里,我们提出了一种基于长短短期存储器(LSTM)的频谱感测的方法,这是深度学习网络(DLN)的关键元件。 LSTM的使用促进了从频谱数据中学习的隐式功能。使用若干特征,使用若干特征培训,使用Adalm Pluto的经验测试用后设置验证了所提出的传感技术的性能。测试用培训培训以获取使用FM进行的现实世界无线电广播的主要信号。实验数据表明,与当前频谱感测方法相比,我们的方法即使在低信噪比下,我们的方法也在检测和分类准确性方面表现良好。
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